Finance- Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Management


Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)


The Bachelor of Applies Science in Finance builds on basic accounting and finance courses to provide students with the knowledge, preparation, and hands-on practice necessary to pursue a career in the financial services industry.  Students will learn and practice the financial skills necessary to work in banking, corporate finance, and personal financial advising careers.  Skills include data analytics, financial analysis, financial modeling, and investments in various financial markets (including portfolio management).

Career opportunities

With a degree in Finance, students may pursue a career in the financial services industry and banking, investment and commercial banking, the insurance industry, real estate, financial advising and portfolio management.  Other careers would include corporate finance, Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) and many others.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the degree, successful graduates will be able to:

  1. Manage the monetary resources of organizations
  2. Demonstrate understanding of financial markets and institutions
  3. Apply financial modeling to forecast organizational financial needs
  4. Demonstrate ability to analyze investment alternatives
  5. Demonstrate critical thinking and an analytics mindset to solve business problems

Course Requirements

Students are responsible to examine the course description of each course listed below for details of prerequisites, which must be satisfied before registering for the course.


Religion Cornerstone Courses

Complete each of the following
Course NumberTitleCredits
REL 200The Eternal Family (Cornerstone)

2 credits

REL 225Foundations of the Restoration (Cornerstone)

2 credits

REL 250Jesus Christ & His Everlasting Gospel (Cornerstone)

2 credits

REL 275Teachings & Doctrine of The Book of Mormon (Cornerstone)

2 credits

Total Credit Hours:8

Religion Electives

Complete three additional religion courses
Course NumberTitleCredits
Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 14

College Success

Course NumberTitleCredits
ENS 101College Success

1 credit

BAP 115Excel and Introduction to Technology

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:2


Course NumberTitleCredits
ENS 497Disciple Leadership Capstone

1 ½ credits

BUS 497Strategy, Leadership and Ethics in Business

3 ½ credits

Total Credit Hours:5

Career Success

Course NumberTitleCredits
CAR 201Career Success

1 credit

CAR 499RInternship

1-3 credits: This course can be taken a maximum of 2 times with a cap of 4 total credits

Total Credit Hours:2

General Education

Course NumberTitleCredits

Composition Courses

Complete two courses (6 credit hours)
Course NumberTitleCredits
ENG 101Introduction to College Writing

3 credits

ENG 201Intermediate College Writing

3 credits

ENG 301Technical Writing

3 credits

BUS 340Professional Business Communications

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:6
**BUS 340 can serve as both a Composition course as well as a Business Core Requirement**

Course NumberTitleCredits

Quantitative Literacy

Complete one course (3-4 credit hours)
Course NumberTitleCredits
MAT 107Quantitative Analysis and Personal Finance

3 credits

MAT 110College Algebra

4 credits

MAT 111Trigonometry

3 credits

MAT 112Calculus I

4 credits

MAT 113Calculus II

4 credits

MAT 119Business Calculus

3 credits

MAT 237Discrete Mathematics

3 credits

MAT 252Statistics

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3-4
**MAT 252 can serve as both a General Education course as well as a Business Core Requirement**

Distribution Areas

Course NumberTitleCredits

American Institutions

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
HIST 170American Civilizations

3 credits

HIST 175History of Technology in the United States

3 credits

POLS 110American Government

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Fine Arts

Students must complete one of the following courses: 
Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 101History of the Fine Arts

3 credits

ART 110Survey of Visual & Performing Arts

3 credits

ART 112Ensign College Choir

3 credits

ART 305Global Cultural Literacy

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3


Students must complete one of the following courses
Course NumberTitleCredits
COMM 122Interpersonal Communications

3 credits

HUM 110Discovering the Humanities

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3
**COMM 122 can serve as both a General Education course as well as a Business Core Requirement**

Life Sciences

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
LS 103Nutrition and Health

3 credits

LS 265Anatomy & Physiology

4 credits

LS 303Knowledge of the Physical and Natural World

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3-4

LS 265 is for Medical Assisting student only


Physical Sciences

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
PS 120Earth Science

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Social Sciences

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
BUS 301Principles of Management

3 credits

ECON 161Microeconomics

3 credits

ECON 162Economic Principles and Problems-Macro, Online

3 credits

PSYCH 101Introduction to Psychology

3 credits

SS 130Geopolitics

3 credits

SS 160Leadership & Human Behavior

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3
**BUS 301, ECON 161 or ECON 162 can serve as both a General Education course as well as a Business Core Requirement**

General Education Student Choice

Students must complete one additional course from one of the following areas: (3-4 credits)

Course NumberTitleCredits
Total Credit Hours:3-4
  • American Institutions Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Fine Arts Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Humanities Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Life Sciences Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Physical Sciences Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Social Sciences Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Math courses: Math 110 or higher (3-4 credit hours)

Business and Finance Specific Requirements

As some courses may count towards certificates, the business core, program and/or general education requirements, students should work with an advisor to ensure they complete the minimum 120 credits.

Accounting Certificate

Course NumberTitleCredits

Accounting Certificate

Course NumberTitleCredits
ACC 101Financial Accounting I

3 credits

ACC 102Financial Accounting II

3 credits

ACC 210 or FIN 301Quickbooks Online or Introduction to Finance

3 credits

ACC 212Managerial Accounting

3 credits

BAP 115Excel and Introduction to Technology

1 credit

BAP 130Advanced Excel

1 credit

BA 140Tableau for Business Analytics

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:15
**Students pursuing an Accounting BAS should take ACC 210 to complete the Accounting Certificate. 
Students pursuing a Finance BAS should take FIN 301 to complete the Accounting Certificate.**

Business Core Requirements List

Course NumberTitleCredits
ACC 101Financial Accounting I

3 credits

ACC 212Managerial Accounting

3 credits

BAP 115Excel and Introduction to Technology

1 credit

BUS 301Principles of Management

3 credits

BUS 321Business Law and Ethics

3 credits

BUS 340Professional Business Communications

3 credits

COMM 122Interpersonal Communications

3 credits

ECON 161 or ECON 162Microeconomics or Economic Principles and Problems - Macro, Online

3 credits

FIN 301Introduction to Finance

3 credits

SCM 325Operations Management

3 credits

MAT 252Statistics

3 credits

BA 147 or IT 143Introduction to Databases and Structured Query Language (SQL) or Database Design and Analysis

1-3 credits

BUS 124 or BA 140Applied Presentation Skills or Tableau for Business Analytics

1 credit

BUS 351 or DM 105Marketing Management or Introduction to Digital Marketing

3 credits

BUS 497Strategy, Leadership and Ethics in Business

3 ½ credits

Total Credit Hours:39.5-41.5
**BUS 301, BUS 340, COMM 122, ECON 161 or ECON 162, and MAT 252 can serve as both a General Education Course as well as a Business Core Requirement**

Finance Emphasis

Course NumberTitleCredits

Course NumberTitleCredits
ACC 455Law and Ethics for Accountants

1 credit

BUS 497Strategy, Leadership and Ethics in Business

3 ½ credits

FIN 315Corporate Managerial Finance

3 credits

FIN 335Investments

3 credits

FIN 345Financial Institutions

3 credits

FIN 410Financial Statement Analysis and Modeling

2 credits

FIN 475Financial Case Studies

1 credit

Total Credit Hours:16.5

Finance Recommended Electives

Course NumberTitleCredits

While the following courses are not required for the degree, they are strongly recommend in preparation for a career in finance. Additionally, some of these are ideal courses to meet the 40 upper-division credit requirement.
Course NumberTitleCredits
ACC 210QuickBooks Online

3 credits

ACC 325Individual Tax

3 credits

ACC 327Business Tax

2 credits

ACC 330Accounting Systems

2 credits

ACC 333Accounting Automation Systems

1 credit

BA 350Data Analytics

2 credits

BA 370Advanced Business Analysis

3 credits

BA 380Advanced Data Analytics

2 credits

ECON 162Economic Principles and Problems-Macro, Online

3 credits

Total Credit Hours: 120

Graduation Requirements

1.Complete a minimum of 120 credit hours 

2.Complete a minimum of 40 credit hours of upper-division classes (>300 level) 
3.Minimum of 2.0 GPA

4. C- grade or higher required in all program-specific classes

Recommended Course Sequence

Individual student circumstances, such as the need for a smaller course load or the number of preparatory English or Math courses a student must take, may require additional semesters to complete the program. Please see your Student Success Advisor for assistance.

First Semester

ACC 101, Financial Accounting I, 3 credits

BAP 115, Excel & Technology in Business, 1 credit

COMM 122, Interpersonal  Communications, 3 credits

ENS 101, College Success, 1 credit

ENG 101, Introduction To College Writing, 3 credits

GE – LS  Gen Ed Life Science, 3 credits

REL, Cornerstone Religion course, 2 credits

Total Minimum Semester Hours 16

Second Semester

ACC 102, Financial Accounting II, 3 credits

GE – FA Gen Ed Fine Arts, 3 credits

GE – SS, Recommend ECON 161, 3 credits

MAT 110, College Algebra, 4 credits

REL, Cornerstone Religion course, 2 credits

Total Minimum Semester Hours 15


Third Semester

ACC 212, Managerial Accounting, 3 credits

BA 140, Tableau for Business Analytics, 1 credit

BA 147, Introduction to Databases & SQL, 1 credit

BAP 130, Advanced Excel, 1 credit

BUS 340, Gen Ed (2nd level English), 3 credits

GE-AI, Gen Ed American Institutions, 3 credits

REL, Cornerstone Religion course, 2 credits

Total Minimum Semester Hours 14


Fourth Semester

FIN 301 Introduction to Finance, 3 credits

GE – PS Gen Ed Physical Science, 3 credits
GE - DISTN MAT 252, 3 credits
ELECTIVE Elective (CAR 399R*), 1-3 credit
ELECTIVE Elective (ACC 210*), 3 credit
REL, Cornerstone Religion course, 2 credits

Total Minimum Semester Hours 15-17


Fifth Semester

ACC 325* Individual Tax, 3 credits
ACC 333* Accounting Automation Systems, 1 credit
BA 350* Data Analytics, 2 credits

BA 370* Advanced Business Analytics, 3 credits
BUS 321 Business Law & Ethics, 3 credits
ACC 455 Law and Ethics for Accountants, 1 credit
**REL See Religion Classes, 2 credits

Total Minimum Semester Hours 15


Sixth Semester

ACC 327* Business Tax, 2 credits
BA 380* Advanced Data Analytics, 2 credits
BUS 301 Principles of Management, 3 credits

FIN 315 Corporate Managerial Finance, 3 credits
FIN 335 Investments, 3 credits
**REL See Religion Classes, 2 credits
Total Minimum Semester Hours 15


Seventh Semester

BUS 351 Marketing Management, 3 credits

ECON 162* Economic Principles and Problems - Macro, 3 credits
CAR 201, Career Success, 1 credit
ENS 497, Disciple Leadership Capstone, 1.5 credits
FIN 345 Financial Institutions, 3 credits

SCM 325 Operations Management, 3 credits
**REL See Religion Classes, 2 credits
Total Minimum Semester Hours 16.5


Eighth Semester
ACC 330* Accounting Systems, 2 credits

BUS 497, Strategy, Leadership and Ethics in Business, 3.5 credits
FIN 410 Fin Statement Analysis & Modeling, 2 credits
FIN 475 Financial Case Studies, 1 credit
CAR 499R Internship, 1-3 credits
ELECTIVE Recommend Upper Division Elective, 4-6 credits
**REL See Religion Classes, 0

Total Minimum Semester Hours 13.5


*Recommended electives

Total Finance- Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Management Minimum Credit Hours 120