Transfer Evaluation

Concurrent/Dual Enrollment Programs

Students may receive credit for courses previously taken through an early college program if those courses were administered from a regionally-accredited college or university and are recorded on an official college or university transcript. Official transcripts must be sent to Ensign College to be considered for transferability.  Concurrent or dual enrollment courses sent on a high school transcript will not be considered for transferability.

Full Disclosure of Transfer Schools

Failure to report and submit official transcripts to Ensign College from all institutions a student has attended or are currently attending, both U.S. and international, may result in disciplinary action including dismissal from Ensign College.

Official Transcripts

Ensign College considers evaluation of courses only with an official college or university transcript.  Official transcripts are transcripts mailed in a sealed envelope from the institution or through a secured electronic transmission.  Ensign College will not evaluate transcripts submitted via any method deemed unsecure by the College.

Transfer from Ensign College 

While Ensign College makes every effort to establish articulation agreements with other colleges and universities, students who are considering transferring to another college or university should review that institution’s transfer guidelines.

Transfer to Ensign College 

Ensign College generally accepts college-level transfer credits from regionally-accredited colleges and universities.  Courses from institutions that are not regionally-accredited are generally not transferable to Ensign College except in circumstances where there is an articulation agreement with a specific institution and program.

Courses taken more than 10 years ago are subject to the Ensign College Course Expiration Policy with one exception. General Education courses taken more than 10 years ago are not considered expired by Ensign College. Generally, these classes will be awarded credit towards a specific General Education Area (Fine Arts, Social Science, Life Science, etc.) rather than as a direct equivalent. Credits awarded towards a specific General Education Area may meet the program requirements for a degree/certificate but specific course requirements may still be required to ensure academic preparation. In cases where credit cannot be awarded towards a specific General Education Area, “General Elective” credit may be awarded.

Only transfer courses with a grade of C- or higher are eligible for transfer consideration.  Additionally, transfer credit may be used to satisfy degree requirements but will not be calculated into the Ensign College GPA.  Transfer courses considered to be out of harmony with established principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be accepted by Ensign College for credit consideration.

Transfer of Religion Credit from Other Church Schools or Institutes of Religion:

Religion credit earned at Church Education System (CES) Institutes of Religion and other CES Schools will transfer to Ensign College as an equivalent religion course or elective credit so long as the course is taken for “CES Transfer” credit and such credit is noted on an official Institute/University transcript.

Transfer of Academic Credits from Non-Church Schools:
Students that transfer to Ensign College that have no religion credits must meet the religion requirements for graduation. The number of academic credits being transferred, and the desired degree, help determine how many religion credits are required. The matrix below, along with your Student Success Advisor, can help provide further guidance.

Students Seeking BAS Degrees















90 or more



Students Seeking AAS or AS Degrees







30 or more


International Transfer Credit
Students with transcripts from institutions outside the United States may be given credit at Ensign College on a case-by-case basis, as requested.  Transfer credit will be considered when a translation/evaluation is submitted from one of the two approved translation services listed below.  Students may choose one of the two and should request the detail report that the evaluation service sends be sent directly to Ensign College.  They must also provide the College with an official copy of their transcripts from the institution they attended.
International Education Research Foundations, Inc.
P.O. Box 3665, Culver City, CA 90231-3665
Phone: (310) 258-9451, Web:
Must request a “Detail Report”

SpanTran - The Evaluation Company
Must apply for the Course Analysis evaluation for CES applicants

Reverse Transfer
Reverse transfer allows a former student to transfer credits they took at another institution back to Ensign College to complete their degree (certificate and/or associates).  Former students will need to complete the reverse transfer request form and provide the official transcripts to Ensign College to be evaluated.  Students will not need to reapply for admissions if they do not intend to take any classes at the college, but rather to submit the reverse transfer request form and official transcripts.  No more than 75% of transfer credits may be used to satisfy Ensign College degree requirements.  Students are required to follow all graduation requirements (See Graduation).