Repeating Courses

Students should seriously consider repeating courses if they have already received the satisfactory grade (C or higher) towards their program and graduation requirements. If a student chooses to repeat a course, they can repeat a course only once. They must register and pay tuition for the semester in which the class is repeated. The original grade remains on the record and is marked as a repeated course. Once the course has been discontinued, the right to repeat the course is gone.

The highest grade received in the course will then be used in calculating the student’s cumulative grade point average. Hours earned in repeat courses may be counted toward graduation requirements only once. Students must obtain approval from the Program Chair on the third attempt of the course (second repeat) if the student still has not achieved a C or higher grade.

Federal financial aid (including Pell Grants & Direct Loans) will only pay for students to re-take a class once after receiving a passing grade. Certain eligibility requirements apply

Ensign College courses cannot be replaced by equivalent courses from other institutions.