Student Services Unit


Ensign College accepts qualified students without regard to race, color, creed, gender, national origin, age, or disability, provided they have met the equivalent of high school completion/graduation requirements and the ability to benefit; agree to abide by the Church Educational System (CES) Honor Code, including the Dress and Grooming Standards, and are otherwise qualified as determined by College policy through a holistic review.  Qualified applicants are admitted based on educational goals and commitment to College policies and standards.

Students who qualify for admission are admitted after reaching age 17.  All applicants must submit the equivalent of high school completion/graduation or completion of at least 24 semester credits of college work. The high school completion/graduation equivalency could be any of the following options:

  • PathwayConnect completion
  • High school diploma earned from a U.S. accredited public, private, or charter school
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
  • General Education Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), or the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) passing testing
  • Diploma, certificate, or transcript showing completion of Homeschool program that is recognized by a state as evidence of High School Completion/Graduation
  • Completion of secondary education (internationally) - must be evaluated by the International Education Research Foundation (IERF) or SpanTran and determined to be equivalent to high school completion/graduation

Non-native English speakers (domestic and international) must provide proof of English Proficiency. 

Admission may be restricted by semester or department depending on College or program capacities.

Admissions Procedures

All applicants will be required to complete an ecclesiastical endorsement as part of their admissions application.  Applicants who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will need to meet with the bishop of the ward where their records reside and a member of their stake presidency.

Those applicants who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will need to complete an initial interview with their own clergy or a local Latter-day Saint bishop and then have a follow-up interview with the Ensign College Chaplain, Jonathan Browning at 801-524-1923 or via email:

Application Materials

Applicants are to be honest and forthright in providing all education history on their application (from domestic and international institutions). Ensign College may require verification of this information and may require additional information, and any student who fails to provide correct information will be denied admissions. All admissions documentation received for an application becomes property of Ensign College and cannot be returned to the applicant. We will discard any international transcripts that are not properly evaluated.

If an applicant has already earned an Associate of Science (AS) or Bachelor’s degree in the U.S., they can only be in a certificate, Associate of Applied Science (AAS), or Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) program. They will not be able to earn a second AS degree.  If an applicant has been awarded an Associate of Science degree or Bachelor's degree OUTSIDE of the U.S., and an approved transcript evaluation service has evaluated the degree to be equivalent to a degree received from an U.S. accredited institution, the applicant will still be eligible to apply for any one of Ensign College's Associate of Science degrees or Bachelor of Applied Science degrees.

Visiting Students

Definition:  A visiting student is defined as a student who wishes to enroll at Ensign College with no intention to pursue and/or complete a degree.  A visiting student is a non-matriculated student, meaning non-degree seeking.

Admissions, Visiting Students:

  1. Applicants wishing to enroll for a single semester at Ensign College but do not plan to earn an Ensign College degree may attend as a Visiting Student.
  2. International students living in the United States will not be permitted to see this applicant type on the admissions application as they are not eligible due to federal regulations.
  3. Visiting students can apply for any open semester.
  4. All admissions policies, application fees, processes, dates, deadlines, and discontinuance policies apply to the visiting applicant type.
  5. Prior educational documents will not be required for visiting students.
  6. All visiting students will have to complete the admissions application, which includes the ecclesiastical endorsement process, unless otherwise noted.

Registration, Visiting Students:

  1. All academic deadlines and tuition rates apply to visiting students.
  2. Visiting students may enroll in up to 12 credits per semester.
  3. Only 1 course taken as a visiting student will count toward an Ensign College degree.
  4. Courses taken and grades received as a visiting student will be posted on official Ensign College transcripts.
  5. The program of study noted on the transcript will be visiting student.
  6. Visiting students who wish to obtain a degree at Ensign College must reapply for admission as a degree-seeking student.
  7. Visiting students are not eligible for federal financial aid or Ensign College scholarships.
  8. Visiting students are not eligible for an Incomplete Grade process.
  9. Visiting students are eligible to audit a class.
  10. Visiting students will not be assigned an advisor.  In the event a student meets with an advisor, the academic requirements in MyEnsign will provide clarity showing no courses linked to their visiting program.
  11. Visiting students will be included in our headcount enrollment.

Notification of Application Status and Admission

Applicants can track their status and view their admission decision online at Notifications for admission decisions begin on the date listed on our website,, but may take an additional two to three weeks after applicants complete their application.  

PathwayConnect Transfer Guide 
Ensign College will accept transfer coursework from BYU-Pathway Worldwide for students who completed PathwayConnect.  This can transfer as individual elective credit provided the student earns a minimum grade of C- or higher.

PathwayConnect Course

Ensign College Transfer Guide

PC 101: Life Skills

Elective credit (3)

PC 102: Professional Skills

Elective credit (3)

PC 103: University Skills

Elective credit (1)

REL 275: Teachings & Doctrine of the Book of Mormon

Cornerstone Religion

REL 250: Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel

Cornerstone Religion

REL 200: The Eternal Family

Cornerstone Religion

ACCPC 101: Financial Accounting I

ACC 101: Financial Accounting I

CSPC 105: Introduction to Programming

CS 105: Introduction to Programming

DMPC 105: Intro to Digital Marketing

DM 105: Introduction to Digital Marketing

BUSPC 113: Intro to Hosp. and Tourism

BUS 113: Intro to Hosp. and Tourism

MCOPC 180: Introduction to Medical Billing and Coding

MCO 180: Introduction to Medical Billing and Coding

PMPC 140: Introduction to Project Management

PM 140: Introduction to Project Management

CES Honor Code

Ensign College and other Church Educational System institutions exist to provide an education in an atmosphere consistent with the ideals and principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That atmosphere is created and preserved by a community of faculty, administration, staff, and students who voluntarily commit to conduct their lives in accordance with the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ and who strive to maintain the highest standards in their personal conduct regarding honor, integrity, morality, and consideration of others. By accepting appointment, continuing in employment, being admitted, or continuing class enrollment, each member of the Ensign College community personally commits to observe these Honor Code standards approved by the Board of Trustees "at all times and in all things, and in all places." (Mosiah 18:9):

      Be honest.

      Live a chaste and virtuous life, including abstaining from any sexual relations outside a marriage between a man and a woman.

      Respect others, including the avoidance of profane and vulgar language. Obey the law and follow campus policies.

      Obey the law and follow campus policies.

      Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, vaping and substance abuse.

      Participate regularly in Church services (required only of Church members).

      Observe the Ensign College's dress and grooming standards.

      Encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code.

Good Honor Code Standing

Students must be in good honor code standing to be admitted to, continue enrollment at, and graduate from Ensign College. The term “good Honor Code standing” means that a student’s conduct is consistent with the Honor Code and the ideals and principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A student immediately loses good Honor Code standing if the Church formally restricts the student’s membership privileges or withdraws the student’s membership in the Church. A student also immediately loses good Honor Code standing if the student resigns membership in the Church. Further, a student is not in good honor code standing if his or her ecclesiastical endorsement has either lapsed or been withdrawn, or if the Honor Code Office has placed a hold on the student’s records.

All students, upon admission to Ensign College, are required to observe the standards of the Honor Code at all times, whether on or off campus. If, after admission decisions are announced, the college discovers an individual falsified or plagiarized content on the admissions application, or the initial ecclesiastical endorsement is withdrawn, the Admissions Office will review the facts and take appropriate action. When the Honor Code Office receives reports of other student misconduct that is not specifically addressed by other college policy, a normal Honor Code process will be initiated. The Honor Code Office will notify the student, indicating when a “hold” will be placed on the student’s registration if the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Honor Code Office by a specified date. The Honor Code Office also reserves the right to place a “hold” on the record of any student based on reports of student misconduct prior to notifying the student. Individuals who are on any sex-offender registry are not eligible for enrollment at Ensign College. Registered sex offenders will not be allowed employment at Ensign College nor other access to the campus.

Church Attendance

Tithing dollars fund the majority of a student’s education at Ensign College, and admission is reserved primarily for those who adhere to the principles and practices of the Church. The educational experience at the College should augment and enhance righteous worship. Students must attend weekly Church meetings in order to receive an ecclesiastical endorsement from their bishop and continue as a student.

Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)

Student education records at Ensign College are generally accessible to eligible students according to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The following is notice of student rights to their education records, a summary of the procedures for exercising those rights, and a description of student directory information that may be disclosed to the public without the student’s consent as required by law.

Eligible students, admitted and enrolled at Ensign College, generally have the right to:

  1. Inspect and review their education records within a reasonable period of time upon submitting a written request to the Registration Office specifying the records to be inspected along with proof of identification. The Registration Office will notify the student of the time and place the records may be inspected.
  2. Petition Ensign College to amend or correct any part of the education record believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights. Students may submit a written request to the Registration Office clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the Registration Office decides not to amend the record as requested, the student will be notified of the decision and advised of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures as outlined in College policy will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. Consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education record, except as otherwise authorized by law. Examples of exceptions to consent of disclosure include:
    1. Access of education records by Ensign College officials and agents having a legitimate educational interest in the records. This category includes any Ensign College official or agent who accesses student educational records for the purpose of performing a task or responsibility relating to his or her employment or professional responsibility at the College. These individuals may include faculty, administration, staff, campus security services, and other College agents, including third-party vendors or contracted agents acting in behalf of the College, who manage student education record information including, but not limited to, student education, discipline, or financial aid.
    2. Parents who establish the student’s dependency for federal income tax purposes.
    3. Upon request, Ensign College will disclose educational records without consent to officials of another college or university to which the student is enrolled, or seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. File a complaint with the Department of Education concerning failures by Ensign College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is the Student Privacy Policy Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20202- 5920,

Directory Information

Ensign College has designated the following student information as directory information that it may disclose without the consent of the student:

  • Name, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses
  • Student ID number
  • Month and day of birth
  • Major fields of study
  • Pictures
  • Dates of attendance (current and past) and number of months/semesters enrolled
  • Class standing (freshman, sophomore)
  • Enrollment status (full-time, part-time, less than half-time)
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Previous educational institution attended
  • Anticipated future enrollments
  • Course registrations prior to the beginning of a semester
  • Dates of employment and job title for student employment positions
  • Deferred registration eligibility
  • Expected date of graduation

Directory Information will not be provided to third parties in the form of mailing lists or labels.

Students have the right to restrict, or block, all disclosure of the above directory information.  To request restriction of disclosure of all directory information, students must file a written request with the Registrar’s Office.  This restriction will remain until the student specifically rescinds it in writing.

Students may also unlist some or all directory information online by logging into MyEnsign and clicking the Student Center. Under “Personal Information” click on “Demographic Data.” Choose the “Security” tab and then click on “FERPA restrictions.”

Departments requesting mailing list information or other directory information may do so by contacting the Registration Office.  Departments should provide a written request with the signature of their Vice President, Program Chair, or director explaining the need for the information and how it will be used.  The Registration Office will review the request to ensure FERPA compliance.
Parents or guardians of students claimed as dependents on the most recently submitted Federal Income Tax form may have grade reports forwarded to them pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.  Parents of dependent children under the above-described definition must submit their most recent tax forms showing the student as a dependent to the Registration Office.

No grade report will be sent to a parent or guardian without proper authorization.  The Registration Office will record tax forms and send grade reports as requested.  Parents of students who have declared themselves as independent are not eligible to receive grade reports.


Students are encouraged to utilize local counseling services that can best support them in their goals.

Disability Services

Ensign College provides reasonable academic modifications for students with disabilities according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  It is the responsibility of the student to self-identify and provide proper documentation in order for Ensign College to provide adequate academic modifications.  The type of documentation required, as well as what is considered current documentation, depends on the individual and the nature of the disability.

Services are individualized based on what reasonable modifications the student needs to ensure that the student has equal access to the educational and administrative services and programs offered at Ensign College. There is no predetermined list of modifications for any particular disability. Modifications are determined through an interactive process that begins during a student’s intake interview with the disability services representative.  Modification decisions are based on the impact of a student’s disability, any relevant academic policies, and an assessment of the essential outcomes of a course or program of study.

Temporary medical conditions such as broken limbs, surgery, flu, and pregnancy are not usually considered disabilities, and students should work directly with their faculty. Faculty have the right and responsibility to determine what is reasonable adjustments for students in the case of temporary injury or illness.  In the event that questions arise as to what is reasonable, the program chair and disability services office can assist with recommendations for assistance.

All inquiries and requests should be submitted to the student support center.

Dress and Grooming Standards

Dress and grooming affects how students and those around them think, behave, and learn. Students show respect by their grooming; therefore, students should wear clean, modest clothing that brings honor to themselves and the College. Clothing should not include wording, symbols, artwork or other references that are vulgar, offensive, crude, immoral, or gang-related.

Women should be neat and modest in their attire. Dresses should have sleeves, full backs, reach at least to the knee (even with leggings), and have a high enough neckline so as not to reveal cleavage. Cutoffs, if worn, should reach at least the knee. Blouses should have sleeves, high enough necklines so as not to reveal cleavage, and be long enough to keep the midriff from exposure as the student sits, walks, and bends. Clothing that has holes or ragged tears is inappropriate.

Men should be neat and modest in their attire. Shirts must be worn and should have sleeves. Cutoffs, if worn, should reach at least the knee. Exposed underwear is unwelcomed and inappropriate. Clothing that has holes or ragged tears is inappropriate.

Hair Styles: Hair styles should reflect the standards espoused by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Bizarre or unusual hair styles or coloring violate the dress and grooming standards. Dreadlocks, mohawks, faux hawks or other unusual hair styles are not allowed except in cases where such styles are strongly cultural. Such exceptions must be cleared with the Honor Code Office. Men are to have hair cut so as to be off the collar and off the ears and eyebrows.

Facial Hair: Faces should be clean-shaven with sideburns no lower than the bottom of the ear; muttonchops are not allowed. Moustaches are allowed but should not extend below the corners of the mouth. Soul patches and goatees are not allowed.

Piercings: Women who desire to have their ears pierced should wear only one pair of modest earrings. Men should not wear earrings. Other body piercings for men or women are inappropriate.

Tattoos: The body is holy and God’s creation and should not be disfigured; therefore, the Honor Code prohibits getting or displaying tattoos. Tattoos that portray satanic, violent, hateful, lewd themes may not be displayed under any circumstance. Students with previously acquired tattoos must cover them at all times.

Hats: Ensign College is a dedicated building. Out of respect for that status and as a courtesy to faculty and classmates, students are requested not to wear hats in classrooms. Hats with inappropriate language or symbols, or that imply gang membership, violate the College’s dress and grooming standards.

Ecclesiastical Endorsement

As part of our commitment to excellence, you must be in good standing with the Honor Code to be admitted to, attend and graduate from Ensign College.  This means your conduct must be consistent with the Honor Code and principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Annual Ecclesiastical Endorsement is one of the requirements to maintain good standing.

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:   All enrolled, continuing students at Ensign College need to annually submit a continuing endorsement from the bishop of the ward in which they live and that holds their current Church membership record.  Students attending wards on or off campus can request a new endorsement online by selecting “Student,” “Continuing/Currently Enrolled,” and “I am currently enrolled at Ensign College.” From there, you’ll be asked to log in with your Church account and can follow the steps to completion. Once you have submitted your endorsement request, your bishop should be able to view your request through the website.

Students may also submit their continuing endorsement by using the Continuing Ecclesiastical Endorsement PDF. Once the form has been completed and signed, it can be mailed, emailed, or brought in person to the Enrollment Services Office. Please see instructions for completion on the form.

The Registration office will begin accepting continuing student ecclesiastical endorsements beginning on March 1 of each academic year.  Your new Ecclesiastical Endorsement form must be submitted before you can register for Fall semester.

Other Students: Those who are not members of the Church can be endorsed annually by any local bishop or branch president.  Students who need to talk to a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bishop may contact the Honor Code Office.  Please see if you are applying as a new student.

Whether on or off campus, all students are expected to follow the Honor Code, which includes the (1) Academic Honesty Policy, (2) Dress and Grooming Standards and (3) Continuing Student Ecclesiastical Endorsement.

Withdrawn or Denied Ecclesiastical Endorsement

An ecclesiastical leader may withdraw a student's endorsement at any time or may decline to endorse a continuing student if the leader determines that the student is no longer eligible for the endorsement.  If an endorsement is withdrawn or if a continuing student ecclesiastical endorsement is denied, no confessional information is exchanged without authorization from the student.  The withdrawal of a student’s ecclesiastical endorsement automatically results in the loss of good Honor Code standing.  Students who are not in good Honor Code standing must discontinue enrollment.  Also, they are not eligible for graduation, even if they have otherwise completed all necessary coursework. 

The decision to withdraw an ecclesiastical endorsement or to deny a continuing student ecclesiastical endorsement may be appealed through appropriate ecclesiastical leaders only.  As a matter of practice, Ensign College does not intervene in ecclesiastical matters or endorsements.  In unusual circumstances, however, a student may petition the Dean of Students’ Office to allow an exception to the Ecclesiastical Endorsement requirement.  As part of the petition, the student must (i) complete an Application for Exception to Policy (this form may be obtained from the Dean of Students Office); (ii) prepare a written statement outlining the reasons why the college should allow an exception; and (iii) within ten business days of receiving notice that the ecclesiastical endorsement has been withdrawn or that a continuing student ecclesiastical endorsement has been denied, submit the completed application and relevant statements to the Dean of Students Office for consideration.

When considering the petition, the Dean of Students will determine whether the student has observed and continues to observe the standards of the Honor Code or has demonstrated other sufficiently compelling grounds to warrant an exception to the college’s ecclesiastical endorsement requirement.  The Dean of Students will not review the ecclesiastical leader’s decision to withdraw or deny endorsement or the process for reaching that decision.  The Dean of Students and other college officials will not discuss confidential matters with the student's present or former ecclesiastical leaders unless the student voluntarily signs a release allowing that communication.  The Dean of Students may also choose to personally interview the student, who may further explain the circumstances which might justify an exception to the ecclesiastical endorsement requirement.  The student bears the burden of persuasion that he or she should be considered to be in good Honor Code standing, notwithstanding the lack of an ecclesiastical endorsement.  The Dean of Students’ decision regarding the petition will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Services if requested by the student.  The decision by the Vice President of Student Services is final.

Financial Aid

Important Deadlines for Federal Student Aid

Financial Aid Census Date

The amount of financial aid you qualify for is affected by the credit hours for which you are enrolled as of 11:59 p.m. on the financial aid census date (“FAD”).  Classes added after this date or dropped/withdrawn before funds are disbursed to your student account will not impact your financial aid eligibility for the semester.

Please review the academic calendars to identify the financial aid determination deadline

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Deadline

The Department of Education must receive a valid FAFSA by the last day of enrollment, or June 30th, whichever comes first. Students should complete their FAFSA and submit any required documents preferably two months before their last day of attendance. 


The financial aid office recommends students turn in all verification items as soon as possible – preferably no later than two months before the last date of enrollment. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all deadlines.

Types of Federal Financial Aid Available

Students may apply for federal financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To learn more about federal financial aid at Ensign College, visit Ensign College participates in the following federal programs. 

Federal Pell Grant 
A Federal Pell Grant is provided by the U.S. Department of Education on the basis of financial need. Pell Grants are based on the estimated cost of attendance, length of the enrollment period, and then number or program applicable credits in which a student enrolls. Most students do not have to be enrolled full time to qualify for a Pell Grant; however, taking less than 12 credits will result in a prorated award. The student must be an undergraduate who does not already have a bachelor’s degree. A Pell Grant is not a loan and is not required to be paid back in most circumstances. 

Federal Direct Loans 
A Federal Direct Subsidized Loan is provided by the U.S. Department of Education on the basis of financial need. A Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan is also provided by the U.S. Department of Education; however, it is not based on financial need. A student must be enrolled in at least 6 program applicable credits for their loan funds to disburse. Principal and interest payments are postponed while the student is enrolled in at least 6 credits (half time) and during the six-month grace period after graduation or ceasing to attend at least half time. While the student is enrolled in at least 6 credits (half time), the federal government pays the interest for the student. For more information on student loans and grace periods, please visit

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) 
A Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) is available for the parents of undergraduate students who are enrolled in at least half-time (6 credits). The amount borrowed by the parent may not exceed the estimated cost of attendance during the period of enrollment. Please contact the financial aid office to determine eligibility.

General Eligibility for Federal Student Aid

In general, a financial aid recipient must meet the following eligibility standards:

  1. Have a high school diploma, G.E.D. certificate, or a high school equivalency certificate issued by their state of legal residence.
  2. Be admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student (must be enrolled in a program that is eligible for federal financial aid).
  3. Be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  4. Be making satisfactory academic progress. For details please visit
  5. Be current on any required repayments of federal grants and/or federal student loans received for attendance at any school.
  6. Have a valid Social Security Number.

How to Apply for Federal Student Aid

All students applying for federal student aid must first complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility. Students can apply online at The FAFSA requires information from the student’s federal tax form and possibly the student’s parents’ or spouse’s federal tax form. Other information, such as number of individuals in the household, number attending college, value of savings accounts and assets, etc., will need to be reported.

After the student’s FAFSA has been submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, and evaluated, a Student Aid Report (SAR) will be sent electronically to Ensign College. This information will be used to determine the types of aid for which the student is eligible.

One week after submitting a FAFSA for the current academic year, students should check their “To Do List” in their MyEnsign Student Center to verify their FAFSA was received by Ensign College and to determine if any additional information is required to process their application. Any additional documentation requested should be submitted through the Financial Aid Forms Portal as soon as possible to avoid delays in receiving federal financial aid. Students can expect federal aid award information to be available in their online Financial Aid Student Portal within four weeks of submitting the last correct required document.

Return of Title IV or Withdrawals

Students receiving financial aid or scholarships should check with the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing or dropping any classes after the semester has begun.  Students should never just stop attending class.  If a student drops or withdraws from individual classes, they must have begun attending in each course to remain eligible for the initial disbursement of financial aid.

At the end of the term, the financial aid office will review students who do not complete some or all of their classes and your last date of attendance is reviewed and/or your academic participation.  If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds completely withdraws (either officially or unofficially) from the College after beginning attendance, the amount of Title IV grant or loan assistance earned by the student must be determined.  Financial aid may be reduced after this review is complete and student will be notified via email about balances returned to the Department of Education.

Please visit for more detailed information.

Marriage and Federal Financial Aid

Students who are married by the last day of the Winter semester may choose to update their marital status.  Students are encouraged to speak with the financial aid office before changing marital status if they have already submitted a FAFSA for the current academic year.

For more information about changing marital status, please view

Financial Aid and Scholarship Office Contact Information

Call: 801-524-8111


Types of Financial Aid Available

There are many financial options that may be available for students:

Satisfactory Academic Progress

A student receiving federal aid (federal grants and loans) must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP includes your cumulative grade point average, your aggregate completion rate (Pace) and the maximum time frame to complete your degree. All periods of enrollment count toward Satisfactory Academic Progress (Fall, Winter, Spring), including periods when a student does not receive financial aid. SAP is processed at the completion of each semester once grades are posted and aid may be delayed until a student's eligibility can be determined.

Students must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, complete at least 67% of the classes taken, and complete their program within 150% of the published program time (see your academic catalog year for specific # of credits). 

Please visit our website for more information and the SAP policy


Graduation Requirements

  • Meet all program requirements.
  • Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • Earn at least 25 percent of required credits directly from Ensign College.  Test credits are not included in this 25 percent.
  • Have a current ecclesiastical endorsement.
  • Have all financial accounts with the College current.
  • Apply and be approved for graduation.
  • Complete the Exit Survey.

In addition to specific degree requirements, students must also meet the graduation requirements listed below:

  • Minimum Grade: A grade of C or higher is required for all courses in every certificate, associate, and bachelor's degree. However, when not specifically required by a program, the following course requirements can be met by a D- or higher: General Education, college fundamentals, elective courses, and College and Career Success courses. A specific grade may be required as a prerequisite and programs may have additional minimum grade requirements. To satisfy general elective requirements, students must earn a minimum grade of D-. A passing grade (P) in a Pass/Fail course will satisfy the applicable program requirement.
  • Graduation Catalog: A student is responsible for the program requirements listed in the Ensign College Catalog from the year of first enrollment to the year of graduation.  Students are subject to all other policies, requirements, and procedures as outlined in the College catalog for the current academic year.
  • Academic Standing: Students who are academically suspended or academically dismissed may not graduate from Ensign College.
  • Good Honor Code Standing:  Students must be in Good Honor Code Standing in order to graduate from Ensign College.  Former students wishing to graduate from Ensign College, but whose ecclesiastical endorsement has expired, will need to submit a current endorsement before their application for graduation will be processed.
  • Students admitted as campus students must earn a minimum of 15 credits on campus (not online) at Ensign College or transfer 15 or more credits earned on campus at another CES School (BYU, BYU-Hawaii, or BYU-Idaho). Students admitted as online students must successfully complete PathwayConnect or complete GE 103 as a direct admit online student.

Application for Graduation

  • All students must be in good Honor Code standing in order to graduate from Ensign College.  Former students wishing to graduate from Ensign College, but whose ecclesiastical endorsement has expired, will need to submit a current endorsement before their application for graduation will be processed.  If a CES hold exists on the student's record, then any request for graduation will not be processed until the hold has been released.
  • Current students apply for graduation online via the student portal.  Former students may request assistance in applying for graduation by emailing For specific deadlines, students should refer to the Academic Calendar.  Students should apply to graduate in the semester they complete their program.
  • Graduates’ names will be included in the commencement program after the semester they graduate, not the commencement in which they march, if different.  Official graduation is subject to a degree audit following the last semester of enrollment.  Enrollment Services will notify students of any graduation deficiencies via official communication methods.  Students who do not satisfy all graduation requirements in the semester for which they applied must reapply to be considered for graduation in a subsequent semester.

Graduation applications open the first day of registration for the specific semester.

Name on the Diploma

The Ensign College diploma is a legal representation that the student earned the degree and/or certificate.  In which case, the institution uses the student’s legal name printed on the diploma (effective for graduates fall semester 2018).

Diploma Reprint/Reissue Policy

In the event a duplicate copy of a diploma is required due to change of name, lost, stolen, or a duplicate, a request for a replacement may be initiated with our Registrar’s office (online form). The cost for a replacement is $10.00.  The new diploma issued will bear the names of the current officials in office at the time the replacement diploma is produced.  Inquiries regarding records prior to 1987 will require additional time for research as these records are maintained on microfilm.

Attendance at Commencement

Ensign College Commencement is held annually in April.  Students who have completed their program requirements the prior July, December and that April, or next July are invited and may apply to participate in Commencement.

Graduation Application

Invited to participate in Commencement

Spring 2022

April 2022 or April 2023

Fall 2022

April 2023

Winter 2023

April 2023

Spring 2023

April 2023 or April 2024

Fall 2023

April 2024

Graduates and their families and friends may attend formal Commencement exercises.  All graduates, including those who complete their courses of study before Winter Semester, are encouraged to attend.  Students who do not attend Commencement may claim a diploma cover from Enrollment Services before leaving campus.

Diplomas will be mailed to graduates only after all requirements have been completed and verified, six-to-eight weeks after final grades are posted.


Change in Graduation Requirements

The College reserves the right to change the requirements for graduation at any time.  Students are responsible to know the current program requirements for graduation. 

Graduation Honors 

Honors is based on the cumulative GPA after grades post for the graduation semester.  No adjustments will be made for grades posted or changed following the graduation semester.  To be eligible, the application must be submitted before the published Final Graduation Application Deadline of the student’s graduation semester.

Students with a 3.70 cumulative GPA or higher will graduate with honors (3.69 GPA does not round up).  Honors are based on GPA at the end of the semester prior to the graduation ceremony.  Honor students will be recognized by their wearing a gold honors cord during graduation commencement.

Financial Holds

Candidates with outstanding debts to Ensign College, for any reason, will not receive diplomas or official transcripts until all amounts are paid in full.

Standards Holds

Candidates who are not in good Honor Code standing will not receive diplomas until they have completed the requirements outlined by the office they are working with.  Students with a standard’s hold may not participate in commencement.

Exit Survey

In the interest of documenting post-graduation rates of employment, all students are required to complete a brief exit survey, available online, approximately one month before their anticipated graduation.

Records and Registration

Adding Courses

A period in which a student may add a class that is available on the catalog with available seating. See academic calendar for specific dates and deadlines.

Dropping Courses

Drops exist to allow students the ability to adjust their class schedule at the beginning of each semester. Courses may be dropped through the date noted on the Academic Calendar.

Grading System

Grades are determined by each instructor based upon an evaluation of all assigned and completed coursework. Course participation, mastery of subject matter, and promise of continuing success in sequential courses in related fields are all criteria used to evaluate progress.

  • “A” represents outstanding understanding, application, and integration of subject material and extensive evidence of original thinking, skillful use of concepts, and ability to analyze and solve complex problems. Demonstrates diligent application of Learning Model principles, including initiative in serving other students.
  • “B” represents considerable/significant understanding, application, and incorporation of the material that would prepare a student to be successful in next level courses, graduate school, or employment. The student participates in the Learning Model as applied in the course.
  • “C” represents sufficient understanding of subject matter. The student demonstrates minimal initiative to be prepared for class. Sequenced courses could be attempted, but mastering new materials might prove challenging. The student participates only marginally in the Learning Model.
  • “D” represents poor performance and initiative to learn, understand, and apply course materials. Retaking a course or remediation may be necessary to prepare for additional instruction in this subject matter.
  • “E” represents failure in the course.
  • “P” represents passing the course and is not calculated into the GPA.
  • “W” represents withdrawal from the class and is not calculated into the GPA.
  • “UW” represents an unofficial withdrawal which is given to a student who meets the following criteria: Did not complete proper withdrawal procedures; has record of non-attendance that began before the last date to withdraw from individual courses without grade earned; and did not complete any work, tests, or class related assignments after attendance ceased. The “UW” is calculated into the GPA as a failing grade value. (0.0)
  • “I” is a conditional grade. (See Incomplete Grade)
  • “CR” indicates credit given.
  • “NC” indicated no credit.
  • “NR” represents the grade was not reported by the instructor. A student receiving a “NR” grade should contact the instructor to request that a valid grade be submitted to Enrollment Services.
  • “V” indicates a course taken for audit.
  • Under some circumstances, students receiving financial aid may not be eligible to receive a grade of CR, NC, P, I, W, or V. Consult the Financial Aid Office for additional information relevant to specific situations.
  • CR/NC (Credit/No Credit). Credit/No Credit courses do not count towards graduation and are not calculated into the GPA. A mastery level of 80% is required to receive credit in the following courses:
    • MAT 90 Basic Mathematics
    • MAT 97 Introductory Algebra

Credit Definitions

  • Attempted:  The total number of credits in which a student has registered in a semester or on a cumulative basis.
  • Earned:  The total number of credits completed with a progress grade in a semester or on a cumulative basis.
  • Passed:  The total number of credits earned that do not factor into a semester or cumulative GPA.
  • Quality:  The total number of credits earned that factor into a semester or cumulative GPA.
  • Points:  The total number of grade points earned in a semester or on a cumulative basis.

The following table indicates each grade variant at Ensign College with its equivalent grade points:

One Credit of

Equals Grade Points











































* Does not affect the GPA calculation, but may impact Satisfactory Academic progress.
** Does not affect the GPA calculation, does not impact Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Calculating GPA and SAP

GPA: quality points divided by quality credits
SAP: earned credits divided by attempted credits
NOTE: Student financial aid eligibility may be determined by a different GPA standard and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) percentage.

Course Credit Hours and Classroom Preparation Time

Ensign College measures academic credit in credit hours.  In accordance with federal regulation, a credit hour at the College is the amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than:

  • Three hours of instructional activities each week for approximately fourteen weeks for one semester hour of credit.

Grade Changes

After the final grade submission deadline, grades may be changed only for the following reasons:

  • No grade was submitted by the deadline.
  • A calculation error was made in computing the grade.
  • The wrong grade was posted.
  • An Incomplete grade contract was finalized.
  • The previous grade was re-evaluated, but no additional work was submitted.
  • A grade change should not be submitted if a student completes any additional work beyond the end of the semester.  If extenuating circumstances exist, an incomplete grade may be granted if requested before the grade submission deadline.

A submitted grade typically cannot be changed to a W (Official Withdrawal).  Students who had a non-academic emergency may file an Exception to Academic Policy form.

In addition to changing a student’s semester and cumulative GPAs, a grade change may also change a student’s total earned credits.  A grade change may also positively or negatively impact a student’s academic standing.

Grade change requests may only be submitted by the instructor or an authorized designee via the College’s approved grade change process.  Grade change requests older than one year are additionally reviewed by the Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment and typically are not approved.

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete grade (“I”) is a conditional grade and granted only when extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control occur after the semester withdrawal deadline.  Incomplete grades are given only if students are passing the course and would be capable of completing the work before the end of the subsequent semester.

The instructor must receive approval from the Academic Office before issuing an “I” grade.  Contracts are available from the Academic Office.  A grade contract must be completed and signed by both instructor and student before the semester ends; not afterwards.

The student must be able to complete the remaining work on an individual basis with the instructor.  Re-enrollment or attendance in all or part of the same course during a subsequent semester cannot be required as part of the contract.  The general length of time to fulfill the requirements of an incomplete contract is one additional semester.

Instructor and student must meet to determine the extent of work/assignments to be complete and the due date(s).

Students must take the contract to the Cashier’s Office, pay the $5.00 incomplete grade fee, and return the Incomplete Grade Contract to the Academic Office for copies to be made for both the student and the instructor.

Class attendance in a subsequent semester or re-registering is not permitted to make up the incomplete.

If the incomplete work has not been finished by the end of the semester after the “I” was given, the “I” will be changed by the Registrar’s Office to an “E” grade.

Repeating Courses

Students should seriously consider repeating courses if they have already received the satisfactory grade (C or higher) towards their program and graduation requirements. If a student chooses to repeat a course, they can repeat a course only once. They must register and pay tuition for the semester in which the class is repeated. The original grade remains on the record and is marked as a repeated course. Once the course has been discontinued, the right to repeat the course is gone.

The highest grade received in the course will then be used in calculating the student’s cumulative grade point average. Hours earned in repeat courses may be counted toward graduation requirements only once. Students must obtain approval from the Program Chair on the third attempt of the course (second repeat) if the student still has not achieved a C or higher grade.

Federal financial aid (including Pell Grants & Direct Loans) will only pay for students to re-take a class once after receiving a passing grade. Certain eligibility requirements apply

Ensign College courses cannot be replaced by equivalent courses from other institutions.

Sexual Harassment Policy

All forms of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking on the basis of sex are contrary to the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Church Educational System Honor Code. Ensign College prohibits Sexual Harassment by its personnel and students, and in all of its education programs or activities. To review the full sexual harassment policy definitions, and applicable grievance procedures, visit

Test, Prior Learning, and Transfer Credit

Academic Credit for Prior Learning (ACPL) refers to a process used by post-secondary institutions to award academic credit for a student's knowledge and expertise acquired through life and professional experience, as long as the student's knowledge and skills are determined to be equivalent to college-level learning. 

Students can be considered for ACPL for prior missionary service or foreign language proficiency (see below).

Not all courses at Ensign College are designated appropriate for ACPL. Each department determines the evaluation method required for students to demonstrate proficiency in the course content. Refer to individual programs for ACPL requirements.

The following restrictions apply to awarding ACPL credits:

  • There is no assurance that any ACPL credit will be granted.
  • ACPL credits cannot duplicate credits that have already been awarded.
  • ACPL credits do not count towards the minimum graduation requirement of 25% of degree  credits that must be taken at Ensign College. 
  • ACPL courses receive a “CR” (credit) on the transcript and will not affect the GPA. 


Academic credit for prior learning can be awarded through one of the following options: 

Missionary Service

Returned missionaries will qualify if they have served at least 12 months and received an honorable release. Currently, enrolled students who participated in any form of missionary service for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can complete an assessment on leadership, service, and college-wide capabilities to earn Ensign College credits for prior learning. Requirements:

  • Option 1: Student completed the missionary service to which they were called. Minimum 18 months.
  • Option 2: Student completed a minimum of 6 months of full-time equivalent missionary service.

Foreign Language

The Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (FLATS), administered through BYU or the CES English Language Assessment administered at Ensign College, provides you the opportunity to receive 12 semester hours of university credit by examination. Please see FLATS website for additional information.



Students may earn a maximum of 75% of the credit required for a credential from Ensign College by transfer credit and credit by examination.  Test credit includes Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), BYU Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (FLATS) exam (53 languages) or the CES English Language Assessment, course challenge examinations, and industry certifications.  All scores must be on official transcripts.

Transcript Requests

Official academic transcript requests are made online at Transcripts may not be ordered by phone, e-mail, paper or fax. Transcripts can be requested by both current and former Ensign College students by logging into their student account. When requesting a transcript, students and former students may choose a certified electronic PDF transcript delivered within minutes of placing an order. Students and former students may also choose a paper copy to be sent by US Postal mail or overnight delivery for a fee. Official transcripts will not be released until all Ensign College debts have been paid in full. For more information, visit

Transfer Evaluation

Concurrent/Dual Enrollment Programs

Students may receive credit for courses previously taken through an early college program if those courses were administered from a regionally-accredited college or university and are recorded on an official college or university transcript. Official transcripts must be sent to Ensign College to be considered for transferability.  Concurrent or dual enrollment courses sent on a high school transcript will not be considered for transferability.

Full Disclosure of Transfer Schools

Failure to report and submit official transcripts to Ensign College from all institutions a student has attended or are currently attending, both U.S. and international, may result in disciplinary action including dismissal from Ensign College.

Official Transcripts

Ensign College considers evaluation of courses only with an official college or university transcript.  Official transcripts are transcripts mailed in a sealed envelope from the institution or through a secured electronic transmission.  Ensign College will not evaluate transcripts submitted via any method deemed unsecure by the College.

Transfer from Ensign College 

While Ensign College makes every effort to establish articulation agreements with other colleges and universities, students who are considering transferring to another college or university should review that institution’s transfer guidelines.

Transfer to Ensign College 

Ensign College generally accepts college-level transfer credits from regionally-accredited colleges and universities.  Courses from institutions that are not regionally-accredited are generally not transferable to Ensign College except in circumstances where there is an articulation agreement with a specific institution and program.

Courses taken more than 10 years ago are subject to the Ensign College Course Expiration Policy with one exception. General Education courses taken more than 10 years ago are not considered expired by Ensign College. Generally, these classes will be awarded credit towards a specific General Education Area (Fine Arts, Social Science, Life Science, etc.) rather than as a direct equivalent. Credits awarded towards a specific General Education Area may meet the program requirements for a degree/certificate but specific course requirements may still be required to ensure academic preparation. In cases where credit cannot be awarded towards a specific General Education Area, “General Elective” credit may be awarded.

Only transfer courses with a grade of C- or higher are eligible for transfer consideration.  Additionally, transfer credit may be used to satisfy degree requirements but will not be calculated into the Ensign College GPA.  Transfer courses considered to be out of harmony with established principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will not be accepted by Ensign College for credit consideration.

Transfer of Religion Credit from Other Church Schools or Institutes of Religion:

Religion credit earned at Church Education System (CES) Institutes of Religion and other CES Schools will transfer to Ensign College as an equivalent religion course or elective credit so long as the course is taken for “CES Transfer” credit and such credit is noted on an official Institute/University transcript.

Transfer of Academic Credits from Non-Church Schools:
Students that transfer to Ensign College that have no religion credits must meet the religion requirements for graduation. The number of academic credits being transferred, and the desired degree, help determine how many religion credits are required. The matrix below, along with your Student Success Advisor, can help provide further guidance.

Students Seeking BAS Degrees















90 or more



Students Seeking AAS or AS Degrees







30 or more


International Transfer Credit
Students with transcripts from institutions outside the United States may be given credit at Ensign College on a case-by-case basis, as requested.  Transfer credit will be considered when a translation/evaluation is submitted from one of the two approved translation services listed below.  Students may choose one of the two and should request the detail report that the evaluation service sends be sent directly to Ensign College.  They must also provide the College with an official copy of their transcripts from the institution they attended.
International Education Research Foundations, Inc.
P.O. Box 3665, Culver City, CA 90231-3665
Phone: (310) 258-9451, Web:
Must request a “Detail Report”

SpanTran - The Evaluation Company
Must apply for the Course Analysis evaluation for CES applicants

Reverse Transfer
Reverse transfer allows a former student to transfer credits they took at another institution back to Ensign College to complete their degree (certificate and/or associates).  Former students will need to complete the reverse transfer request form and provide the official transcripts to Ensign College to be evaluated.  Students will not need to reapply for admissions if they do not intend to take any classes at the college, but rather to submit the reverse transfer request form and official transcripts.  No more than 75% of transfer credits may be used to satisfy Ensign College degree requirements.  Students are required to follow all graduation requirements (See Graduation).


Free tutoring services are provided as indicated in individual courses. 

Veterans Education Benefits

Degree programs at Ensign College are approved by the state approving agency for the enrollment of persons eligible to receive education benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA).

Ensign College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to Ensign College due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

Withdrawal from Courses

Withdrawals exist to allow students time to determine if a class fits their ability and goals.  Students are expected to take responsibility to ensure that their schedules are correct and to attend all courses for which they are registered until they officially withdraw from those courses.  The following policies apply:

  • Students must drop from their schedules the courses which they do not plan to attend.  Dropped courses will not appear on student transcripts if they are dropped by the Drop Deadlines listed on the Academic Calendar.
  • After the time period designated above, students who officially withdraw from a course receive a W (official withdrawal) on their permanent record.  The withdrawal (W) is not used in calculating GPA.  Official withdrawal may occur through the date announced on the Academic Calendar.
  • Under no circumstances is dropping a course after the official withdrawal period permitted for purposes of avoiding an unsatisfactory grade.  After the end of the official withdrawal period, a W will only be authorized for critical circumstances which are beyond the student’s control and prevent them from completing courses for which they are registered.  In such cases, circumstances must be documented and presented in a petition to the Registrar’s Office.  In cases of serious illness or injury, family members may petition for student withdrawal.
  • Students who never attended class or who stop attending class but do not officially withdraw by the withdrawal deadline will receive an Unofficial Withdrawal (UW).  The UW is calculated in the GPA as a failing grade (E).

Withdrawal from the College

Students can withdraw from the College at their own discretion.

Students may withdraw or drop all classes through the student portal through the Add/Drop Deadline.  Students may also submit a request form with signature authorizing the Office of the Registrar to withdraw all courses through the drop deadline.  (The official date of withdrawal will be the date written notification is received by the College.)  Students should be mindful of the federal financial aid implications, international student status, and other factors that will result in dropping all their classes and withdrawing from the college.  Students are strongly encouraged to meet with appropriate services at the College prior to withdrawing from the college through the student portal.

When a student completely withdraws from Ensign College after the tuition deadline, a pro-rated refund can be given by request until 60% of the semester has passed.  There will be NO REFUND given when a student withdraws from school after 60% of the semester has elapsed.