Graduation Requirements for Certificates and Degrees

There is no degree, major, or minor, offered from the Ensign College Institute of Religion.  To earn any certificate or degree offered by Ensign College, the Religion Course requirements listed below must be met.


AAS Degree Requirements:

  • Two of the four cornerstone courses plus any two additional courses. 8 total credits required.

BAS Degree Requirements:

  • A minimum of 14 credits are required, comprised of the following:
    • Four cornerstone courses, 8 total credits.
    • Three additional religion courses, 6 total credits.


The four cornerstone courses are:

REL 200 – The Eternal Family
REL 225 – Foundations of the Restoration
REL 250 – Jesus Christ & His Everlasting Gospel
REL 275 – Teachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon
Additional religion courses can be found in the list of course descriptions.