Presidents' Message

Welcome to Ensign College. As a new Ensign College student that has come to us through BYU-Pathway Worldwide, we’re glad you have chosen to earn a certificate or degree with us.

Your experience at Ensign College will be unique and wonderfully rewarding. Our focus as an institution is to help you develop market-ready skills in a spiritually enriching, testimony building and uplifting environment. Here, you’ll learn by doing as you grow and become a capable and trusted disciple of the Savior.

Your educational pursuits at the College are intended to prepare you to become valuable employees and trusted leaders over a lifetime. I invite you to make every moment count in positive and productive ways. Be a dedicated student by preparing each day for rich learning experiences. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will be your Master Teacher in deep and powerful ways. As you do these things, I promise you’ll be lifted, edified and strengthened in ways you can hardly imagine.

I welcome you, warmly and sincerely, to Ensign College and look forward to personally greeting each of you.

Best regards,

Bruce C Kusch Signature

Bruce C. Kusch, Ph.D.

President, Ensign College


I’m grateful for the opportunity BYU-Pathway has to partner with Ensign College, a leader in developing marketable programs that employers value. Their courses are especially built to help students around the world to get better jobs. I know that completing a career-oriented certificate or degree through Ensign College will help you advance in the workplace as well as put you in an excellent position to provide for yourself and serve others.

Whether you are earning a certificate or a full degree online from Ensign College, BYU-Pathway will provide support and resources to help you reach your goals and succeed as an online student. Your education will help you become a disciple of Jesus Christ so you can be a leader in your home, the Church, and your community. We are excited to support you as you take these academic steps to get the gospel down into your heart, become a capable learner, and prepare to lead and support a family.

I invite you to participate fully in your coursework and any other educational experiences you may have so that you might come away with all the resources you need to succeed. Know that you can succeed! Many are cheering you on. May the Lord be with you as you take these next steps on your educational journey. 

Welcome and best wishes,

Brian Ashton