General Education


General Education courses at Ensign College focus on empowering learners personally, spiritually, civically, professionally, and into the eternities.  Learning experiences and environments are designed around principles from Doctrine & Covenants 88.  Students are asked to seek wisdom and embrace truth “that they may be prepared in all things” (Doctrine & Covenants 88:80).

General Education courses support the College’s mission, to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.  Learning happens not only in classrooms, but in the mind, heart, hands, and whole soul of learners as they seek the presence, guidance, and influence of the Holy Ghost.  Learning by study and faith is the bedrock for learning and teaching endeavors.  Seeking truth, light, knowledge, and understanding is a common pattern in these courses, along with principles and themes from Doctrine & Covenants 88.

Using the Ensign College Learning Signature, the GE courses offer real and relevant immersive learning experiences and environments, helping students to achieve Deep Learning—to know, do, and become.  Students are tasked with responsibility for their learning, just as Nephi on the shores of Bountiful when he was asked to build a ship.  Common patterns of learning include seeking, discovering, inquiry-based thinking, and problem-solving while critically reflecting throughout the learning process.

Learners act as agents of their learning in ambiguous situations, thus becoming more agile as they demonstrate mastery of program and course outcomes through practice, demonstration, and purposeful application.  The College-Wide Capabilities are integrated and interwoven throughout the GE experience with immediate application of lifelong skills.
General Education courses are designed to offer transformational learning experiences as students are magnified in mind and heart, discovering their purpose and personal mission of becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

General Education Outcomes

Students graduating from Ensign College with an Associate of Science degree will

  • Reinforce the acquisition of College-Wide Capabilities for the development of spiritual and temporal self-reliance

  • Demonstrate the integration of knowledge and skills through “thinking and doing” to solve real and relevant problems

  • Increase in self-awareness while demonstrating empathy and examining perspectives of self, others, and place in the global world

  • Discern truth from error through discovery, analysis, synthesis, and engage in big questions, both contemporary and enduring

  • Critically reflect by articulating ways of learning and thinking

Ensign College works to establish articulation agreements with other colleges and universities for students in their continued pursuits of lifelong learning and academics.  Students interested in transferring credits to another college or university should review that institution’s transfer guidelines and policies.  Students are encouraged to contact the four-year institutions to which they plan to transfer and check degree requirements and departmental prerequisites.  Ensign College makes no guarantee of credit transfer and cannot negotiate or change the graduation requirements of another higher education institution.


Composition Courses

Complete two courses (6 credit hours)
Course NumberTitleCredits
ENG 101Introduction to College Writing

3 credits

ENG 201Intermediate College Writing

3 credits

ENG 301Technical Writing

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:6


Quantitative Literacy

Complete one course (3-4 credit hours)
Course NumberTitleCredits
MAT 108Math for the Real World, Online

3 credits

MAT 110College Algebra

4 credits

MAT 252Statistics

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3-4

Distribution Areas

American Institutions

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
HIST 175History of Technology in the United States

3 credits

POLS 110American Government

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Fine Arts

Students must complete the following course: 
Course NumberTitleCredits
ART 101Survey of Art History

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3


Students must complete the following course
Course NumberTitleCredits
COMM 122Interpersonal Communications

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Life Sciences

Students must complete the following course:
Course NumberTitleCredits
LS 103Nutrition and Health

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3


Physical Sciences

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
GEO 111Physical Geology, Online

3 credits

PS 120Introduction to Physical Geography

3 credits

PS 140Introduction to Physical Sciences

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

Social Sciences

Students must complete one of the following courses:
Course NumberTitleCredits
ECON 161Microeconomics

3 credits

ECON 162Economic Principles and Problems-Macro, Online

3 credits

SS 160Leadership & Human Behavior

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:3

General Education Student Choice

Students must complete one additional course from one of the following areas: (3-4 credits)

Course NumberTitleCredits
Total Credit Hours:3-4
  • American Institutions Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Fine Arts Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Humanities Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Life Sciences Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Physical Sciences Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Social Sciences Distribution courses (3 credit hours)
  • Math courses: Math 110 or higher (3-4 credit hours)

Total Credit Hours: 30-33

In many cases, courses taken to fulfill General Education Requirements may also fulfill specific Program Requirements.