
Graduation Requirements

  • Meet all program requirements.
  • Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • Earn at least 50 percent of required credits directly from Ensign College. Test credits are not included in this 50 percent.
  • Have a current ecclesiastical endorsement.
  • Have all financial accounts with the College current.
  • Apply and be approved for graduation.
  • Complete the Exit Survey.

In addition to specific degree requirements, students must also meet the graduation requirements listed below:

  • Minimum Grade: To satisfy a degree and/or certificate requirements, students must earn a minimum grade of C unless otherwise noted in the specific program requirements. To satisfy general elective requirements students must earn a minimum grade of D-. A passing grade (P) in a Pass/Fail course will satisfy the applicable program requirement.
  • Graduation Catalog: A student is responsible for the program requirements listed in the Ensign College Catalog from the year of first enrollment to the year of graduation. Students are subject to all other policies, requirements, and procedures as outlined in the College catalog for the current academic year.
  • Academic Standing: Students who are academically suspended or academically dismissed may not graduate from Ensign College.
  • Good Honor Code Standing: Students must be in Good Honor Code Standing in order to graduate from Ensign College. Former students wishing to graduate from Ensign College, but whose ecclesiastical endorsement has expired, will need to submit a current endorsement before their application for graduation will be processed.

Application for Graduation

  • All students must be in good Honor Code standing in order to graduate from Ensign College. Former students wishing to graduate from Ensign College, but whose ecclesiastical endorsement has expired, will need to submit a current endorsement before their application for graduation will be processed. If a CES hold exists on the student's record, then any request for graduation will not be processed until the hold has been released.
  • Current students apply for graduation online via the MyEnsign student portal. Former students may request assistance in applying for graduation by emailing For specific deadlines, students should refer to the Academic Calendar. Students should apply to graduate in the semester they complete their program.
  • Graduates’ names will be included in the commencement program after the semester they graduate, not the commencement in which they march, if different. Official graduation is subject to a degree audit following the last semester of enrollment. Enrollment Services will notify students of any graduation deficiencies via official communication methods. Students who do not satisfy all graduation requirements in the semester for which they applied must reapply to be considered for graduation in a subsequent semester.

Graduation applications open the first day of registration for the specific semester.

Name on the Diploma

The Ensign College diploma is a legal representation that the student earned the degree and/or certificate. In which case, the institution uses the student’s legal name printed on the diploma (effective for graduates fall semester 2018).

Diploma Reprint/Reissue Policy

In the event a duplicate copy of a diploma is required due to change of name, lost, stolen, or a duplicate, a request for a replacement may be initiated with our Registrar’s office (online form). The cost for a replacement is $10.00. The new diploma issued will bear the names of the current officials in office at the time the replacement diploma is produced. Inquiries regarding records prior to 1987 will require additional time for research as these records are maintained on microfilm.

Attendance at Commencement

Ensign College Commencement is held annually in April. Students who have completed their program requirements the prior July, August, December and that April, or next July or August are invited and may apply to participate in Commencement.

Graduation Application

Invited to participate in Commencement

Spring 2021

April 2021 or April 2022

Fall 2021

April 2022

Winter 2022

April 2022

Spring 2022

April 2022 or April 2023

Fall 2022

April 2023

Graduates and their families and friends may attend formal Commencement exercises. Students who do not attend Commencement may claim a diploma cover from Enrollment Services before leaving campus.

Diplomas will be mailed to graduates only after all requirements have been completed and verified, six-to-eight weeks after final grades are posted.

Change in Graduation Requirements

The College reserves the right to change the requirements for graduation at any time. Students are responsible to know the current program requirements for graduation. Students are encouraged to counsel with their assigned Student Success Advisor each semester.

Graduation Honors 

Honors is based on the cumulative GPA after grades post for the graduation semester. No adjustments will be made for grades posted or changed following the graduation semester. To be eligible, the application must be submitted before the published Final Graduation Application Deadline of the student’s graduation semester.

Students with a 3.70 cumulative GPA or higher will graduate with honors (3.69 GPA does not round up). Honors are based on GPA at the end of the semester prior to the graduation ceremony.

Honor students will be recognized by their wearing a gold honors cord during graduation commencement.

Financial Holds

Candidates with outstanding debts to Ensign College, for any reason, will not receive diplomas or official transcripts until all amounts are paid in full.

Standards Holds

Candidates who are not in good Honor Code standing will not receive diplomas until they have completed the requirements outlined by the office they are working with. Students with a standard’s hold may not participate in commencement.

Exit Survey

In the interest of documenting post-graduation rates of employment for accreditation purposes, all students are required to complete a brief exit survey, available online, approximately one month before their anticipated graduation. 

Alumni Association

Since its founding in 1886, nearly 100,000 students have attended Ensign College. Alumni are found across the globe in every walk of life and at every level of personal and professional accomplishment.

Ensign College is pleased to acknowledge many notable alumni, including Russell M. Nelson, seventeenth President and Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Alumni have access to helpful College services. Lifetime career services privileges give alumni access to the College’s employment services where they can review available positions and receive assistance in resume writing and interview coaching. Alumni are also encouraged to utilize the Church of Jesus Christ Employment Services in their area.

Those who have graduated with completing a certificate or degree, may also take one free course from the regular on-campus curriculum each year beginning the third year after graduation. Graduates returning as degree-seeking students may use the course with the lowest number of credit hours as the free on-campus class (subject to class and seat availability). Students will need to reapply as a former student and complete the admissions application. Then submit the Alumni Brush Up Form.

Alumni are also invited to attend Ensign College weekly Tuesday Devotionals on Temple Square. For a complete list of upcoming Devotional speakers and information, visit the online College calendar. Also, our Devotionals website includes previous addresses with videos and transcripts.

Finally, Ensign Connect is the online network for Ensign College students and alumni. Alumni can network with other alumni and current students, use our exclusive job board to post internships and jobs. This job board allows you a “warm introduction” to employment opportunities in our alumni network and with our preferred employer partners. You can also help mentor the rising generation of Ensign College students by answering their questions, giving them feedback on their resumes, and helping them with their career questions.

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