Emergency Leave of Absence

In the event of unusual circumstances such as serious illness or injury, students may be granted a leave of absence from their program of study. To qualify for a leave, students must submit in writing to the Appeals Committee a formal request that such a leave be granted.

If the leave is for illness or injury, a doctor’s statement is required confirming the student’s inability to continue school at the present time. Students who receive federal financial aid may also need to appeal to regain eligibility if they are unable to meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards (SAP). If a student wishes to appeal this disqualification, they will need to submit copies of the appeal, the doctor’s statement, and the decision of the Appeals Committee to the Financial Aid Office for inclusion in their financial aid file. If the leave period expires without the student returning to school, s/he will be withdrawn effective the date the leave was granted. Students may obtain only one leave during a 12- month period.