President’s Message

Welcome to Ensign College. If you’re new to our campus, we’re grateful you’re here. If you’re a returning student, we’re glad to have you back.
Your experience at Ensign College will be unique and wonderfully rewarding. Our focus as an institution is to help you develop market-ready skills in a spiritually enriching, testimony building and uplifting environment. Here, you’ll learn by doing as you grow and become a capable and trusted disciple of the Savior.
Your educational pursuits at the College are intended to prepare you to become valuable employees and trusted leaders over a lifetime. I invite you to make every moment count in positive and productive ways. Be a dedicated student by preparing each day for rich learning experiences. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will be your Master Teacher in deep and powerful ways. Live a worthy life and take advantage of our proximity to the numerous Houses of the Lord by being a frequent temple patron as conditions permit. I also invite you to make attendance at our weekly devotional a priority and part of your personal worship. As you do these things, I promise you’ll be lifted, edified and strengthened in ways you can hardly imagine.
I welcome you, warmly and sincerely, to Ensign College and look forward to personally greeting each of you.
Best regards,

Bruce C. Kusch, Ph.D.
President, Ensign College