Mission Statement

Ensign College is owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is part of the Church Education System (CES).
All units included in CES are:
- Ensign College, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Brigham Young University (BYU), Provo, Utah
- Brigham Young University – Hawaii (BYU-H), Laie, Hawaii
- Brigham Young University – Idaho (BYU-I), Rexburg, Idaho
- Brigham Young University – Pathway Worldwide (BYU-PW), Worldwide
- Institutes of Religion and Seminaries, Worldwide
The mission of the College is to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Strengthening faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, and following His example, are at the center of all we do.
- A unique learning and teaching framework prepares confident and skillful learners with relevant, in-demand, and market-ready skills.
- Learning and teaching take place in a spiritually nourishing and uplifting environment.
- As each learner discovers their potential, they are enabled with power to act and grow; to become valuable employees, lifelong learners, and leaders in their homes, the Church and in their communities.
As an institution, we seek and follow the counsel and guidance of inspired leaders in harmony with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its purposes, and in fulfilling our stated mission.